Need more information with registration, VISA and more? Find all here.

Terms & Conditions

    • Purchasers may indicate an intention to purchase registration by creating an online booking. 
    • Early Bird registrations must be paid by (Insert Date) to secure the discounted rate.
    • Undergraduate students must email a valid undergraduate student identification to to secure the discounted rate. Registrants unable to provide approved identification will be required to pay the full registration price. 
  • Refunds are available until Friday (Insert Date and time) and are subject to a cancellation administrative fee of (Insert Amount) per person. After this date, no refunds will be provided however a registration can be transferred to another attendee. All cancellations and substitutions need to be made in writing to 
  • The Purchaser agrees to be aware of and to make any person to whom they transfer the Tickets aware of the terms and conditions that relate to attendance at the Event by the Attendee: 
  • Attendees consent to their image being captured in photographs and video of the events and that image being broadcast or transmitted in any way at the discretion of GhIS, ICEC or AAQS. 
  • Persons attend the Events at their own risk and are responsible for their own health and travel insurance requirements. Attendees agree not to hold GhIS liable for any losses, damages, expenses, costs, claims or liabilities suffered or incurred by ticket holders including consequential or indirect losses or loss of profit through booking for the Event, attending the Event, cancellation of the Event, failure of the Event to achieve expectations, or for any error or omission by GhIS. Attendees agree not to hold GhIS liable or responsible for any personal injury (i.e. physical, psychological or emotional stress) or any loss or damage to personal property.



The registration fee entitles all delegates to the following:

  • All sessions
  • Satchel containing official conference information
  • Attendance at the Conference Cocktail Reception
  • Catering: Morning and afternoon teas, Lunches
  • Discounted Delegate ticket to the Conference Dinner


Please note, all online registrations require immediate payment by credit card.  Accepted credit cards are MasterCard, Visa and American Express.  Please note all transactions by credit card will appear on your statement as payment to ‘GhIS’.

Registration Confirmation

Your online registration and payment will be automatically confirmed via email. Registrations are only confirmed once full payment has been received.

Entrance into the conference/Name Badges

All attendees must be registered for the conference to obtain entry. All registrants will receive a name badge during the check-in process at the conference. This name badge must be clearly visible at all times and shown to gain entry into the conference sessions, exhibition area and social functions.

Early Bird Prize: Terms & Conditions

Early Bird registrations received and paid in full prior to the deadline (this includes registrations received should the deadline be extended) will be automatically entered into the draw to win a (Insert Social Event) voucher valid for 2 people. The random draw will take place and the winner notified within 7 days of the early bird deadline.



This information is correct at the time of publishing.  The GhIS reserves the right to delete, modify or alter items or to delete, modify or alter any aspect of the timetabling and delivery at their sole discretion and without notice.  GhIS will not accept any liability for any loss or inconvenience caused to any party consequent to such changes.

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  • Put your business in the spotlight both locally and internationally
  • Get in front of your target market
  • Formulate lead generation and new contacts
  • Get your brand noticed
  • Attract new clients, new customers, new business
  • Give attendees a “taste” of your business
  • Market your business cost effectively

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Ghana Institution of Surveyors
Tel: +233 202 012 349

Marketing Partners

From here, the country extends inland for some 670 kilometers to about 11° north. The distance across the widest part, between longitude 1° 12′ east and longitude 3° 15′ west, measures about 560 kilometers. The Greenwich Meridian, which passes through London, also traverses the eastern part of Ghana at Tema.

Accra is the vibrant and cosmopolitan capital city of Ghana and the main gateway to Ghana through the Kotoka International Airport. It is situated on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean), almost on the Greenwich Meridian and covers an approximate area of 225sq km (87 sq miles).

You will find Accra a bustling metropolis; an interesting city of contrasts, where the old blends with the new, where tradition blends with foreign cultures. It is vibrant and unique in its own way and beckons to be explored.

The striking feature of Accra today is a city under construction with the rapid growth of high-rise buildings, overhead road constructions, and new urban investments of shopping malls and residential apartments.

AKWAABA. It’s an expression you will hear several times daily as you travel around Ghana, one that will ring in your ears at night, and bring a smile to your face for weeks after you leave. Welcome to a haven that combines the charms of a tropical beach idyll with a fascinating historical heritage, rich cultural variety, and some interesting wildlife in the national parks.

It is the responsibility of all attendees to ensure they have the correct VISA and a valid passport for entry into Ghana.


All foreign travellers must obtain a visa to be able to travel to Ghana. Make sure to process your visa prior to departure as the process can be lengthy depending on your country of origin. There are also certain instances wherein a tourist is not required to hold a visa, such as those in direct airside transit, or holders of a diplomatic passport. Citizens from Malaysia, Singapore, Kenya, Trinidad and Tobago and Egypt are not required a visa to travel to Ghana.

Health Requirements

Yellow fever vaccination required by all except infants under one year. Please do not forget to bring your health Certificate which shows that you have a yellow fever vaccination. You are also advised to consult your doctor well in advance of your visit so that you may begin the usual anti-malaria treatment.

Business Hours

8.00 – 12.00 noon

13.00 – 17.00 hours



Bounded on the South by the Atlantic Ocean and on the West by La Cote d”ivoire, the East by Togo and the North by Burkina Faso. Ghana is a tropical country. The South Western part is located within the warm wet forest zone similar to the Amazon. Accra, the capital, is located in the dry equatorial cones. Kumasi is in the wet savanna. It lies between 4° and 11 ° North at the equator and has a coastline of 540 km.

Northern Ghana has a range season from about April to October. The rest, of the year is hot and dry, with temperatures up to about 38°C. In Southern Ghana the rains last from April to June and again from September to October. Generally, temperatures are between 21 – 31°C. The rains are usually restricted to specific times each day during the rainy season; they are not continuous throughout the day.



Credit Cards

The most widely accepted credit cards are Visa and Mastercard. These cards are accepted in major hotels, restaurants, banks and businesses. Your card may be used for payment at most all airlines, leading hotels and major supermarkets. However, be cautious when using your credit to avoid fraud as pertains globally.


Tipping is permitted in hotels, restaurants, etc. It is rarely added to the bill. Whenever it is not added the quality of service should dictate your generosity to the waiter, taxi driver, porter, tour guide, etc.


Ghana, offers a wide range of hotel accommodation for her growing economy and tourist industry; cosmopolitan, metropolitan, district town and country hotels and park lodges of varying comfort, elegance and convenience. Ghana’s hotels are classified according to the international star-system with 5-star as the highest and one-star being the minimum international acceptable quality. In addition, there are local budget hotels with minimum standards of sanitation and comfort.


Most major hotels also have business centres which provide secretarial and courier services. Ghana has six Telecommunications companies which provides voice and data services, with a valid Identity card/passport, one can acquire a SIM card from any of the telecoms. You can make long distance telephone calls within the country to any country. Collect calls to the USA, Europe and Asia are also available.


Most cities and towns have facilities for night life such as cultural centres to theatres, cinema houses, discotheques, pubs, street cafes and casinos.

Medical facilities

Modern private and public hospitals and clinics are available in all cities and big towns. Tourist should contact travellers’ medical insurance companies to cover any medical contingencies while away from their home countries.

Emergency Contacts

Emergency (general) – 999

Fire – 192

Ambulance – 193

Drinking Water

Safe but it is advisable for visitors to use bottled drinking water which is available for sale in hotels and super markets.

Restricted Areas for Photography and Filming

The Christianborg Castle, Osu Jubilee House (i.e seat of Government), High Commissions / Embassies and Military installations.



Greeting is an important social function that marks an open heart and mind. It also expresses one’s concern for the other. Refusing or failing to greet another person may indicate that you do not care for the other’s welfare.

Do not forget that the smile is also a form of greeting. Please make an effort to pick up some of our simple vernacular greeting forms and win our hearts over.


A handshake is a popular way of greeting in Ghana, especially among males. When you shake hands, please apply the same hand pressure as is offered.

When you are shaking hands with a number of people, start from the extreme right and proceed towards the left.

Use of the Left Hand

The left hand has limited functions in Ghana. In fact the use of the left hand for certain activities is considered an anathema. That is one reason why, when our men wear traditional cloth, we throw the fabric over the left hand. In particular avoid receiving or giving, gesticulating in speech, waving at a person or pointing things out with the left hands.

If you are naturally left handed, it is not your fault, and it is no offence. But you can avoid public embarrassment of complications by giving something (e.g. your guide book, camera, souvenir etc.) with the left hand.

Palace Etiquette

Our chiefs enjoy receiving foreigners and interacting with them. There are etiquettes that you need to observe. When you are invited to greet a chief or the king, for example, move up towards him and stop short a point from where he is seated, stop and bow. He may graciously invite you to come for a handshake.

On formal occasions, we do not speak directly to the king, or chief, for that matter communication at the royal court is a three-way affair through a spokesman (linguist) called “Okyeame” who replicates the conversation. The visitor faces the Okyeame and delivers his message to the chief. The chief gives his reply or response to the Okyeame who renders it to the visitor. It is that simple and interesting. This has been our practice from time immemorial.

N.B. Normally, visitors to our palaces have to make customary offerings of friendship to their royal hosts. This consists entirely of drinks: Aromatic Schnapps, Gin and or money, the amount and quantities depending on the size or enthusiasm of the group.

What Do I Need to Bring Along

Loose, cool clothing is recommended year-round. Most visitors will find that a long-sleeve shirt or light sweater is sufficient in the coolest times.

Dress is conservative in Ghana and long pants are generally worn. Shorts are acceptable only if they are at least knee length. Revealing clothing or items with suggestive slogans are considered inappropriate. Ghana’s rainy season (April – September) typically produces rain showers, rather than full days of rain, but you will find raingear useful during that time. Some rainforests have very high levels of rainfall (see individual ecotourism site descriptions).

Frequent power outages and lack of streetlights in most locations mean that a flashlight or headlamp is a must. Most of Ghana is subject to malaria, so mosquito repellent is an important precaution and you may wish to take medication for malaria prevention. If you are a bird watcher, bring your own binoculars, since they are rarely available.

The currency is the Ghana cedi (pronounced CD), which was revalued in 2007. Major world currencies can be exchanged for cedis at banks or Forex (foreign exchange) bureaus in large and medium Ghanaian cities.

At most ecotourism site lodgings, mosquito nets and a bottom bed sheet are usually provided, but rarely a top sheet, so bring your own if you wish. Towels are generally not provided, so bring your own. Toilet paper is not always supplied in public restrooms along your journey, so it is a good idea to bring your own backup supply.